A strange phenomena where history repeats, as a shadow of its former self. Most common are noises, smells and even disembodied voices from a past era. This can either be connected to Interactive Personalities, who are trapped repeating the same actions they did in life; or percieved ‘slips’ in time where elements of an event reoccur on a semi regular basis.
This is not limited to people. This can be objects, animals, vehicles. Racton Ruin was even meant to have a Ghost-Tractor.
They are seemingly random, unprovokable occurances, making them hard to capture; though they appear more regularly in places with lots of history.
At Broadmore Woods, we believe we could have heard “sounds of battle”, from the British Civil War. It was loud gunshots / canonfire that could not have been fireworks or thunder.
Imber Ghost Village is known for having “Time Slips”. Whilest there we did experience strange noises, perhaps from a past-time.
One of these noises Jake believed to be a TIME SLIP COW! This is really stupid.
Upon later investigation at home, we found that cows *do* infact exist wild in this area, and that during the militaries day off, one of them probably wandered into the ghost town in search of fresh grass.
One of these noises Jake believed to be a TIME SLIP COW! This is really stupid.

Upon later investigation at home, we found that cows *do* infact exist wild in this area, and that during the militaries day off, one of them probably wandered into the ghost town in search of fresh grass.