Cold Christmas Church is known for a haunting story of children who perished during a cold snap and were buried in the church graveyard, reportedly haunting the site to this day.
Adding to the eerie atmosphere, rumors suggest that St. Mary's Church was built on a north/south alignment, which is considered a sign of the devil, as medieval churches were typically built on an east/west alignment. This deviation from the norm, along with the church being a rumored focus point for witches and devil worshippers in the past, may have contributed to the demolition of part of the site, according to some theories.
Another ghost hunt with Jakes dad, Gi! This was a bit of a crazy one, we went there with minimal expectations and came away shocked with what we experienced.
We captured what was perhaps the best EMF responses from any location we have received. The spirit box as well seemed to not only confirm the prescence of many children but captured how many seemed to be there, a handful of their names AND how they died.
Needless to say we were pretty shocked.