Imber is a ghost village, requisitioned by the War Office in 1943, which saw a small community evicted from their homes for american troups.
So where are the ghosts?
Well, - army types that have been using this area for training over the last 50 years have reported hearing sounds of laughter coming from within the old buildings and the smell and warmth of log fires where none have been lit.
Some people have speculated that imber village is a place where time repeats itself.
There are two ghosts of note here.
One is the towns blacksmith, Albert Nash who had a brakedown when he was evicted suffered a heart attack and was buried back in the imber churchyard. It is said he still roams around his blacksmiths.
In the area around the church and the abandoned Bell public house, a building that even today is said to exude an evil presence.
Some people have speculated that imber village is a place where time repeats itself.
There are two ghosts of note here.
One is the towns blacksmith, Albert Nash who had a brakedown when he was evicted suffered a heart attack and was buried back in the imber churchyard. It is said he still roams around his blacksmiths.
In the area around the church and the abandoned Bell public house, a building that even today is said to exude an evil presence.
One of our more active investigations.
Whilest there, we hard various noises about the town that were seemingly impossible. This including one notable moment where a loud bang occured just in front of us - with no aparent source.
Towards the end of our time at this location we also repeatedly heard various animal noises. Jake pushed his theory that there was a timeslip cow, however on further research, cows have been known to roam the fields surrounding Imber.