This is the first time we have been called upon to help investigate someones home.
Doors keep locking themselves, lights keep flickering, and home owner Sarah’s oven turned on by itself multiple times. Sarah had tried to cleanse the house with sage and it seemed to anger the spirits there.
It's a fairly new build (2012), but this is the only house in the street that doesn't have it's original tenant, in fact Sarah is the 7th tenant!
What we know of its history, it neighbours a road haunted by a ghost monk.
Previous tenants have suffered incredible loss. Bankruptcy, failed businesses and, according to Sarah, a lady lost her baby there. Sarah has also been incredibly unlucky since she moved in.
What we know of its history, it neighbours a road haunted by a ghost monk.
Previous tenants have suffered incredible loss. Bankruptcy, failed businesses and, according to Sarah, a lady lost her baby there. Sarah has also been incredibly unlucky since she moved in.
We were very apprehensive going into this investigation, with this being our private house call. We were joined by Jakes dad, Gi!
Sarah and Kev were great hosts and let us have free reign of the active area, were we set up our equipment.
We hung bells off of the door and in the hallway, in the hopes something would make them ring. We set up a static camera in the kitchen trained at the cooker, with a REM Pod atop.
Our first evidence of something strange occuring was our static camera dying. This was followed by us conducting a Spirit Box session in the kitchen. We got two names from the Spirit Box session. - Stacy and Lindsey. They seemed in pain and gave us some rough ages but all in all wern’t making too much sense.
The most compelling part of this is when Kev had a go in the Spirit Box, all at once the dogs panicked and left the room. Then the REM Pod went off for the first time that evening, and seeminly responded to our questions.
Later in the evening upon using the polaroid in quick succession down the hallway, we can see a pair of glowing eyes in the second picture alongside other artifacts. It is worth noting that neither of the dogs were prescent at the time of the photographs.
This activity seemed to ramp up upon Gi opening (and crawling into) the strange cellar door (pictured above).
All in all, I thing the evidence here is fairly anecdotal, with the photographs only capturing a glimpse of what we felt there on the night. The weirdest part to me personally from this evening is the dogs reacting to our equipment moments before they went off. - Like they could see or feel something that we couldn’t.