A ghost lurks the moat and woods here wearing a suit of armour and a scarlet cloak. The figure could be that of Geoffrey de Mandeville, who hid his treasure in a deep well when he was accused of treason in the 12th century. However, he fell into the well and drowned when he fell from a tree.
Finally, in the area of the moat, an old lady who limps around with the aid of a stick has been seen. It has been said that she is a witch who was executed.
We brought Gi Ghumania for this one! Something about his prescence seems to draw out really good spirit communication.
After a long journey into the woods we begun to hear strange noises in the undergrowth which we wrote up to general animal wood noises.
The best part of our investigation came from the spirit box we conducted on the island of the moat.

We had Jake in the spirit box for a solid 40 minutes and the conversations we seemed to have broke all of our expectations.
We appeared to make contact with a spirit named Jack. It answered almost all of the questions we asked - from when it was born, to how old it was, to how it died, where it was buried.
This was by far the clearest spirit box session we had experienced to date and were a bit taken aback as what to actually ask the spirit now all our questions were being answered.
Towards the end of the spirit box a loud shifting noise happened behind Penn, which the spirit, Jack, seemed to respond to.