Small ghost hunting team based in the UK.





Those that are spiritually inclined feel this place so strongly that the ground seems to vibrate. One particular paranormal researcher mentioned the woods being darker than any other woods they had been to.

Paranormal groups have experienced clear taps on their shoulders, figures darting between the trees and even a full body apparition of a child appearing across the maze.


We arrived at Breamore MizMaze and made our way up to the woods, entering through some large gates and walking past Breamore House - a building that also happens to be notorious for housing lots of spirits.

These woods are where other paranormal groups have heard children laughing and running through the woods.

As we walked through the woods, we got our usual “wood noises” of things moving about - probably animals. These noise got louder and louder until it sounded like it was raining all around us - though no rain or animals could be seen.

This peaked upon our first spirit box session with Jake in the headphones. It appeared as though we were talking to some kind of spirit here - and it even seemed to coincide with the noises we were hearing outside of the box. At one point the spirit mentioned that it was behind Jake and we could very clearly hear the gravel shift next to Jake. This was picked up on our audio recorders.

The spirit also appeared to warn us about something - and this was seconds prior to Penn getting their hair touched by something. 

Needless to say we were all spooked at this point and wanting to make a move towards the maze.

We made it up to the outside of the maze where we took a little break on the bench beside the sign. We turned our lights out and listened and listened / waited for some kind of energy or feeling that we were supposed to feel at this location.

Before long Baxter believes he saw what could have been a tall figure running along the hedgeline. After this we start hearing strange noises and decide that actually now would be a good time to turn the lights back on and make a move into the maze.

You can’t access the maze itself, but we go round the edge and discover little dens that people have made. Jake gets touched by something in a similar manner to Penn. We decide to do another spirit box here, outside an especially big den, which again, turns out to be another slightly odd encounter.

After a night of all of us experiencing different strange phenomena, we are extremely tired and head back to the car quite drained. This place exceeded our expectations!